Dustin Colquitt is in the Books

Dustin Colquitt is in the Books, by David Perkins – There is one player who is a constant in the Kingdom over the past 15 years, from 2015 to 2019, and we need to take the time to proclaim him and appreciate his legacy, before he’s gone. I suspect  you already know who I’m referring to…. it is of course – Mr. Most Games Played – punter Dustin Colquitt. Colquitt was drafted in 2005 in the 3rd round, #99 overall, out of Tennessee, and has been a mainstay ever since, only missing 2 games out of 224.

As a rule, I absolutely abhor the thought of drafting either a kicker or punter (see recent draft history). Why draft a guy who rarely plays and can’t make a difference 99% of the game? Especially when given the ability to find adequacy off the street (UDFA’s) at a lower price tag. However, occasionally a gem is found… so I eat crow, and recognize the genius of it all (but only here, near the end of a successful career).

Some argue the time has come to replace Colquitt  and even the Chiefs brought in a prospective replacement this year. So, let’s stay on that path and see how the #’s play out. Now is the time, I could bore you with massive tables of statistics, factually extolling the virtues of Colquitt, but I won’t.

Top 5 Reasons to Punt on Colquitt

  1. He is 37 and his leg is old and failing

+ Colquitt actually shows no signs of a weary leg, with his 2018 average longer than his early years.

  1. He has lost his touch

+ Colquitt’s accuracy and ability to pin opponents inside the 20 has never been better.

  1. Too many of his punts are returned

+ Like a fine wine aging to perfection, Colquitt with age, has fewer and fewer returnable punts.

  1. He gives up long returns

+ Colquitt is giving up fewer yards per return and fewer returnable punts

  1. His total punt yardage dropped through the floor in 2018

+ Absolutely true! 41% less yardage. Then you realize he only punted 45 times in 2018, versus his career average of 77!

One Conclusion

Dustin Colquitt is a gem and shows no signs of slowing down! Unlike his early years when he was the best offensive weapon we had, age has only improved his uncanny ability to switch field position on an opponent. His calming influence on Butker can’t be dismissed either. Mahomes leads the offense now, taking 30 punts a year off his leg, so Dustin might punt until he is 45!

Viva la Colquitt!

Now For Something Completely Different

    • 4x Colquitt has endured less than 4 win seasons, yet he’s enjoyed 7 – 10+ win seasons
    • Colquitt out-punted Chiefs quarterbacks passing in 8 different seasons resulting in a record of 58-70. Chiefs record with QBs out-passing Colquitt is 55-41.
    • Only 2x in the Reid era did Colquitt out-punt Alex Smith, yet the Chiefs won 11 games both years in 2013 and 2015 (go figure!)
    • During the pre-Reid era, Colquitt punted 5.2x per game. Since Andy arrived that number decreased to 4.4x per game
    • 2018 marked his first year under 3 punts per game (who was the QB that year?)
    • 6 different years, Colquitt averaged more than 5 punts per game and hit 6 punts a game twice!
    • Colquitt is the Chiefs all-time punting leader, having passed Jerrel Wilson (46,139 yards) in 2017
    • At the end of the 2018 season, Colquitt was 12th on the all-time career punting yards list, 4,000 yards ahead of HOF Ray Guy (is that good or bad?)
    • Colquitt has punted for more yards than the following notable Hall of Fame quarterbacks passed: Lenny, Tarkenton, Fouts, Montana, Unitas, Hadl, Namath, Starr, Layne
    • Career Punts per Win is 9.5; 6.4 in the Reid era; and 3.8 in the PM2 era (punting less equals more wins – who’d have thunk it?)

Really Cool Odd Duck Colquitt Stats

(courtesy of Pro Football Reference)

    • Punts two feet further in a dome
    • All 5 blocks have come on Sundays
    • Punts best on the road by 35 inches vs. Arrowhead
    • Best monthly average is October at 45.8 yards
    • Punts best in games #5 through #8 (1 yard longer than Games #9 through #12)
    • Career Chiefs record is 117-109 (including playoffs)
    • Punts travel 29.5 inches further in losses than wins
    • Punts travel 1.5 yards further against the Broncos than the Raiders and Chargers (proving he hates the Broncos more)

Since his current contract expires in 2020, Love him while we got him!

Think Abundance Not Lack!

David Perkins — ArrowheadOne




Spreadsheet attached, for your those who like numbers:




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